Monday 21 September 2009

Seadoo Covers

The summer is drawing to a close and I'm shopping for Seadoo Covers and other end of summer necessities. In fact, I think that tomorrow is the last day of summer. This summer has been absolutely fabulous as most summers are. we got to spend a lot of time on the water despite the generally bad weather. We entertained a lot, both at our house and at our cottage. The BBQ almost never got the chance to cool down which is exactly as I like it.

The kids went back to school a few weeks ago and we have settled into a routine of homework, more laundry, and relatively early nights. From now until later next spring most of the BBQing will be done on the weekends and socializing late into Sunday nights will be taboo. How I will miss the summer.

As I mentioned in the first paragraph and perhaps earlier in this blog, I need to look at some Seadoo covers. Our cover is old and a wee bit torn and really, really faded. I hadn't noticed until this year how faded the darn thing was. Frankly, the faded Seadoo cover makes our Seadoo look like a junker which it most definitely is not. I believe the Seadoo and the Seadoo cover were purchased at the same time and are generally the same vintage. Is it possible that faded and worn Seadoo covers were in vogue a few years ago? Much like stonewash denim?

I'd be delighted to get a second hand Seadoo cover but I fear I might not be that lucky. Just in case, I'll check out the bulletin board at the Marina and the classified ads in my local newspaper.
I reckon that I will need to purchase a new one but hopefully I'll be able to find an end of season discount.

The other thing I need to do is to find and install new felt on my Big Green Egg BBQ. My BGE is 5 years old and has been used heavily. The felt (for the lack of a better word) that deals the top and bottom when the BGE is closed is beginning to look worn out and flat. My guess is that some of the heat is escaping at that seam and the felt should be replaced. I think this will be a fairly simple job. I need to contact the local distributor to find out what is involved.

I should get off my computer and get to the tasks at hand. First job is to contact the local Big Green Egg store. The next job is to start looking for Seadoo covers.

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